The Back Pack
Used Textbooks & Homeschool Curriculum


 Home Schooling in High School

Compete High School Curriculum Sample

If you are searching for High School Curriculum, look no more! The Back Pack has been providing parents nationwide with Homeschool Curriculum packages for grade K-12 for over 30 years. Our High School curriculum packages are a full year's curriculum and include student textbooks as well as Teacher editions. With the purchase of a complete 5 subject curriculum package, you will receive 2 free electives (student texts) of your choice as well as a free Lesson Planner.

High School Curriculum Packages

To make the process of purchasing you high school curriculum even easier, you can call us and we will help you develop a complete high school curriculum package at a price you choose based on your personal budget. You may choose subjects based on your individual needs. Subjects that are available for our high school curriculum packages are:

Math: Geometry, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus, or Trigonometry

Literature: American Literature, World Literature, British Literature etc.

English Grammar and Composition: Choose grades 9 - 12.

Science: Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science,
                 Marine Science etc.

Social Studies/History: American History, World History, Government, Geography etc.
High School Electives:
You may choose electives on our  High School Electives page. 
If you prefer order online, go to our secure web-site
or go directly to the high school electives link
If you have any questions or need help selecting, please feel free to call 888 268 5087.

More helpful links:

Homeschool Curriculum Packages Customized Homeschool Curriculum Packages
Prepackaged Homeschool Curriculum Kits New Homeschoolers
Homeschool Curriculum FAQ Customer Testimonials


The Back Pack
Phone/Fax   (252) 244-0728
Toll Free  (888) 268-5087
9-5 ET   Monday - Friday